Nourison Maxell MAE10 Ivory and Blue Area Rug

Price: $93.00 +

Size Sales Price Stock Status Quantity
2'2" x 7'6"
Runner Nourison Maxell MAE10 Ivory and Blue Area Rug
$ 93.00 099446343727 In Stock - Ready to Ship
3'10" x 5'10"
Rectangular Nourison Maxell MAE10 Ivory and Blue Area Rug
$ 122.00 099446343734 In Stock - Ready to Ship
5'3" x 7'3"
Rectangular Nourison Maxell MAE10 Ivory and Blue Area Rug
$ 241.00 099446343789 In Stock - Ready to Ship
7'10" x 10'6"
Rectangular Nourison Maxell MAE10 Ivory and Blue Area Rug
$ 472.00 099446343796 In Stock - Ready to Ship
9'3" x 12'9"
Rectangular Nourison Maxell MAE10 Ivory and Blue Area Rug
$ 685.00 099446343802 Out of Stock - Inquire When Available


Announcing the Maxell White MAE10 from Nourison. Made out of 100% Polyester in China. Now introducing the Maxell MAE10 Ivory and Blue area rug from Nourison. Marvelous marbleizing creates a naturalistic stonework effect in this dramatic Maxell by Nourison area rug. Ivory tendrils express vitality across the lush blue ground. Wonderfully textured, with ombre effects for excitement in your interior design. - - With its marvelously modern textures, exciting ombre effects and dramatic, almost 3-dimensional designs, these riveting rugs are certain to lend an up-to-the-minute intrigue to any interior. This exceptional Maxell collection of area rugs features an inviting assortment of contemporary and classic themes expressed in an array of arresting neutral color palettes. Made out of 100% polyester that is machine woven. The style of this area rug is .





Polyester  (100% Polyester)





Ivory and Blue


0.500 (Approximately)

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