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Area Rugs - Momeni Belmont Collection

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Momeni Belmont

Sometimes, you need a rug that’s going to help tone down your room rather than increasing the energy in your favorite space. You might be looking for a rug that’s calm and collected, or you may be searching for something that can help you create an interior space perfect for relaxing, soothing thoughts, and a little bit of peace of quiet. When you need a rug that can add a sense of delicacy and refinement to any room of your home, the Momeni Belmont collection, available at, is a great place to get started looking.

The beautiful traditional rugs in the Momeni Belmont collection come in several elegant styles, prints, and colors to help you create the room you’ve always wanted. These rugs are designed to look just like a real old-fashioned rug but come in at a much lower price tag than you might pay for a true antique area rug. When you want the elegance of tradition without having to break the bank to get it, the Momeni Belmont collection is a great option for you. These rugs are all rectangular, which is a more common shape for traditional area rugs than any other, and they feature patterns that are reminiscent of oriental area rugs of days gone by.

Another great quality of the Momeni Belmont collection is that, although these rugs are designed to look just like traditional pieces, they are made of polypropylene, which is much more durable and long-lasting than traditional materials such as wool. This man-made material can help you keep your rug looking and feeling great for a long time to come with much less concern for upkeep and cleaning. You can easily decorate any room of your home with one or more of these rugs without having to worry about the foot traffic it may experience.

Choose a rug that is at least 4’ wide or up to 8’ wide for the best traditional centerpiece option, but don’t be afraid to pick a smaller throw rug if your room allows for it too. A brown and cream rug with a traditional print in a smaller size can look amazing in a dining room or elegant bedroom, while a smaller gray and brown rug may make for the perfect office accent piece. Choose a burnt orange rug in a medium to larger size and center it in your living room, family room, or formal bedroom for an incredible result that’s sure to become an instant show-stopper for you, your friends, and your family.

No matter which rug you choose from this incredible line, you’re sure to love the sense of style you can achieve from adding it to your favorite room in your home. If you choose, you can even incorporate these rugs into less obvious parts of your home, such as a sun room or even a covered patio. Since they’re made of a durable material, you can get as creative as you like with their placement and enjoy these rugs for a long time to come.

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