Find the Area Rug Material That’s Right for You

Find the Area Rug Material That’s Right for You

Are you looking for a great area rug for your home? Do you find yourself often wondering which type of material is the best choice for your new area rug? It can be tough to pick the perfect material for the rugs in your home, but there are a few different ways you can narrow down your options and make sure you go with something great. In this article, we’ll introduce you to two different categories of rug fibers: natural and synthetic. From there, we’ll give you a quick rundown of the difference between the two so you don’t have to wonder which is right for your interior (or exterior) spaces anymore!

Natural Fibers

The first and most common category of rug materials is natural fibers. These types of area rugs have been around for centuries, and the first, earliest area rugs on record were made of natural fibers. The term “natural” spans a variety of different fibers and fabrics, but it’s easy to remember—as long as it came from something that isn’t man made, then it’s natural. Wool , bamboo, sisal, and jute are all great examples of natural fibers you might find in any given area rug.

Keep in mind, however, that natural fibers may sometimes be mixed with synthetic ones to create a stronger and longer-lasting type of fiber. If this is the case, the rug cannot be categorized as 100% natural anymore, even though it does contain natural materials. This is a great option if you’re looking for something with the beauty and soft texture of a natural fiber but you don’t want to worry about it getting worn out too easily, either.

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Wool rugs are the most widely-known and easy to find type of natural fiber area rug. Wool rugs are also the most traditional in terms of material, so they’re a great solution if you’re looking for a truly traditional rug just like you would have found centuries ago. Most antique area rugs are made of wool, too, so you can’t go wrong with this renowned material. Keep in mind, however, that since wool is natural, it’s a little harder to take care of. Wool must be washed carefully and regularly maintained in order to keep its beautiful appearance and its texture, too. Wool can also be quite a lot more expensive than some other types of natural fibers, so be sure it’s within your budget if you’re planning to go for a full-size wool rug.

There are, of course, other natural fiber options that can make your home beautiful without the expense you might find with wool. Sisal, for example, is a type of natural material that comes from an agave plant. Unlike wool, which of course comes from sheep, sisal is completely plant-sourced and is therefore more popular with those who are concerned about environmental friendliness as well as anyone who wants to avoid using animal products in the home. Sisal is very durable and sturdy, and it isn’t very hard to keep clean and maintained. However, it is much rougher in texture than wool, so it may be best suited for outdoor use or for more casual spaces. Jute is very similar to sisal in texture and in durability, so it can also be used in similar situations.

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Bamboo, chenille, and silk are other natural fibers that feel very elegant and soft but do not have much durability. If you want to go with one of these fibers in your rug, it’s important to be sure you’re using the rug in a part of the home where it won’t receive a lot of damage or foot traffic. This can help improve its lifespan.

Synthetic Fibers

On the other side of the area rug coin, you will find synthetic fibers. This type of material is manmade and, therefore, some people prefer to stay away from it—especially if they are concerned about chemical exposure in the home. However, most synthetic fibers do not contain unsafe amounts of any chemicals and are perfectly fine for use.

There are several different types of synthetic materials you may choose to use in your home. Acrylic fibers are one of the most common, and polypropylene and polyester are also very frequently used as man made area rug fibers. These are all much more durable than natural fibers, but they tend to lack a little bit in terms of texture and, sometimes, quality (although this is not the case if you purchase your synthetic rug from a known brand name or a legitimate vendor). With the right brand and rug choice, there’s no reason why a synthetic rug can’t be just as beautiful and last just as long, if not longer, than a natural rug.

Some types of area rugs may be classified as “synthetic blends.” In this case, the rug may be either made of a combination of two different types of synthetic fibers, or it may be made of partly synthetic and partly natural fibers instead. Either way, if you need to know the specifics of what the rug is made up of, you should be able to find this out from the manufacturer. Synthetic blends are often chosen because they are some of the most durable rugs on the market and can be designed with a wide variety of different colors, patterns, and styles.

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The type of rug material you choose for your home is entirely up to you. Just keep in mind that some materials may work better in certain spaces than others. For example, an outdoor rug needs to be made of a very sturdy fiber that can hold up to the elements as well as to lots of foot traffic and probably mud, too. If you are looking for a rug to be more of a decoration than a functional piece of your home, then bamboo or chenille may be a better choice. And of course, if you need something completely traditional to round off your room, you can’t go wrong with wool. The right rug material choice for your home is waiting for you to discover it!