Nourison Rhapsody RH013 Caramel Cream Area Rug

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Price: $1,536.00 +

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7'9" x 9'9"
Rectangular Nourison Rhapsody RH013 Caramel Cream Area Rug
$ 1,536.00 099446187314 In Stock - Ready to Ship


Announcing the Rhapsody Brown RH013 from Nourison Rugs. Manufactured out of 80% Wool, 20% Nylon in China. Featuring the Rhapsody RH013 Caramel Cream area rug from Nourison. The colors of Provence are reinterpreted in this delightful piece which combines an antique patina with a modern vision of floral design. The scattered, airy blossoms create a sense of natural freedom. Woven in rippling shades of sunny yellow and cerulean blue. - - The complex color story is a vivid spectrum of jewel tones. Unique and dazzling! The lively and sophisticated design presents flickering abstract shapes on an intricately striated ground. This modern mix of European and Persian textile traditions takes visual excitement to a new level. Made out of 80% wool, 20% nylon that is machine woven. The style of this area rug is .





Wool  (80% Wool, 20% Nylon)





Caramel Cream


0.500 (Approximately)

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